Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)

Green chiretta is wild plants such as shrubs, that many growing in Indonesia. Most people in local Indonesia known it. They call with Sembiloto (Java), Sambilata.  Looking the form of the tree are not many people known about the benefit of this tree. Most people have this benefit and the efficacy of this tree from mouth to mouth and from generation to generation. Green chiretta have a sense bitter and cold nature. According to various studies a lot of chemical constituents possessed of this tree.

This is some chemical constituents is : Laktone, Deoksiandrografolid, Andrographolide, Neoandrografolid, 14-deoxy-11-12 didehidroandrografolid, hHomoandrografolid, Flavonoids, Alkane, Ketone, Aldehyde, Minerals (potassium, calcium, sodium), grit acid, and resin. Various types of diseases that can be cured with this tree.

Video: Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata)

Pharmacological Effects and Outcomes Research:

 1. This nutritious herb in Staphylococcus aurcus bacteriostatic, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Shigella dysenteriae and Escherichia coli.

2. This herb is very effective for the treatment of infection. In vitro, boiled water stimulate phagocytosis of white blood cells.

3. Andrographolide reduce fever caused by the vaccine cause heat in rabbits.

4. Andrographolide can terminate the pregnancy and inhibit the growth of trofosit placenta.

5. In terms of pharmacology has a bitter muscarinic effects on vessel blood, iskeniik effects on the heart, effects on cell respiration, the nature kholeretik, anti-inflammatory and anti bacterial.

6. Active components such as neoandrografolid, Andrographolide, deoksiandrografolid and 14-deoxy-11, 12-didehidroandrografolid efficacious anti-inflammatory and antipyretic.

7. Provision of bitter leaf decoction 40% bly as much as 20 mm can mil kg lowers blood glucose levels of white rats (W. Sugiyarto, Fac. Pharmaceutical UGM,1978).

8. Infusion of Green chiretta 5%, 10% and 15%, all of which can lower the body temperature marmot made fever (Hasir, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Hasanuddin University, 1988).

9. Infusion of bitter herbs have the power of anti-fungals against Microsporum canis, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Trichophyton rubrum, Candida albicans, and Epidermophyton floccosum (Jan Susilo *, ** Endang Hanani, A. and Soemiati ** Lily Hamzah **, * University Medical Faculty, Department of Parasitology and Department of Pharmacy FMIPAUI **, News Perhipba No.Flll, Jan-March 1995).

10. Ethanol fraction bitter herbs have the effect antihistaminergik. Increased concentration will increase barriers guinea pig ileum contraction isolated dihidroksiklorida induced by histamine (Yufri Aidi, NC Sugiarso, Andreanus, AA.S., Anna Setiadi Ranti, Department of Pharmacy, Natural Sciences, ITB, News Indonesian Medicinal Plants vol. No. 3. 1, 1996).

Here is the Scientific classification  of Green chiretta :
Kingdom: Plantae
     : Angiosperms
     : Eudicots
     : Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Acanthaceae
Genus: Andrographis
Species: A. paniculata
Binomial name: Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f.) Wall. Nees ex

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