Gowok Fruit


Last week I went to Angke market, it is the traditional fruit market in Jakarta Indonesia. This Market is the popular traditional fruit market in Jakarta city. All fruit sold in the market with cheap price. Luckily....I found one rare fruit the name is Gowok Fruit, at this time it is fruit is very difficult to find. When I was child, my parent bought a bound of fruits for made juice, I still remember until now. It is the fruit tree guava-tribal member or Myrtaceae native tree from Indonesia. The tree grows in the nature wild mainly in secondary forests, between 200-1800 m above sea level. This fruit is many planted in Java Island and Kalimantan Island especially planted in gardens and agro forestry land or another. It is taken mostly grown for fruit, often sold in the traditional market to be eaten fresh, as salad ingredient or to set up. This fruit is propagated by seed. 

This is the scientific classification:
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliopsida
Order: Myrtales
Family: Myrtaceae
Genus: Syzygium
Species: S. Polycephalum
Binomial name: Syzygium Polycephalum

