Jukut Pendul

Jukut Pendul

Jukut Pendul or Rumput Teki is plant similar grass, widely grown in the farm field and homestead in Indonesia. The grass have flowers like small ball and a distinctive fragrance. Common names, including short leaf spikes edge, green kyllinga, and perennial green head sedge.

Rumput Teki


The Scientific classification of Jukut Pendul

Kingdom: Plantae
    : Angiosperms
    : Monocots
    : Commelinids
Order: Poales
Family: Cyperaceae
Genus: Kyllinga
Species: K. brevifolia
Binomial name: Kyllinga brevifolia  Rottb.
Synonyms: Cyperus brevifolius

Part of grass that can be used as a drug is the tuber containing : Alkaloids , Flavonoids , Sineol , Pinen , Siperon , Rotunal , Siperenon and Siperol .
The benefits and efficacy of grass puzzles : Normalize the menstrual cycle . Relieve pain . As a sedative . Overcoming fever . Treat disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.
